But, I was a naïve child then; unexposed to the real and imagined evils of the world. When I saw the The Exorcist a few years later, I just thought it was cool. I thought I was well past the point where a movie could scare me. Then last night I went to see 2016: Obama’s America. I don’t feel so good.
This is a documentary about Barrack Obama. I had some preconceived notions about what I expected to be. I expected it to be anti-Obama. I had expected it to be factual. And I expected it to mercilessly attack Obama on everything he has done to America in the last four years.
This movie was by “Dnesh D’souza, an Indian born, American-by-choice, intellectual, not prone to dogma, bombastics, or half-truths. I’ve read one of his books, What’s So Great About America, and I was impressed with his intelligence and thought process. I had high expectations concerning integrity. I thought that it would be out of character for a movie from him to be a political ad. I made up my mind I wanted to see this documentary. I almost wish I hadn’t. Almost.
This is not an Obama hit piece, where the producers dissect and deconstruct what Obama has done. No, it is worse. They tell Obama’s story, often in his own words, from his own books. They tell you about all of the influences he has had since he was a child. His mother was an America-hater (my conclusion, not the documentary’s); his absent biological father was an Anti-Colonial Marxist, who his mother placed on a pedestal for young Barrack. There was his grandfather, who when his daughter sent Barrack to live with him (from Indonesia), thought Barrack needed a mentor. So he chose a card carrying member of the Communist Party USA; Frank Marshall Davis. You are introduced, because Lord knows the leftstream media did everything they could to hide them from the American people four years ago, to Israel hating Columbia professor, Edward Said (SAW-eed), and Brazilian, socialist, Harvard professor Roberto Unger. They were two of Obama’s more influential teachers in college. And, who can forget Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright, the racist Chicago preacher, who even the liberal media couldn’t hide.
The conclusion D’souza drew from all of this (& I agree) was the Barrack Obama was molded and created by these men and woman, into a man, who at his soul really doesn’t like America. He thinks America has an original sin-like stain, in which only a firm economic spanking will erase. He believes that we, and all Western nations, have exploited the 3rd world nations for years and we must be held accountable.
He is a product of his environment. He has spent his entire life looking for people to reinforce the beliefs that were force fed him from the cradle. He can’t help what he has become. I still don’t think he is any great thinker. He has no original ideas, nor any plans to build anything; economic, social, or racial. He only knows that Western society, and
This explains his 2008 campaign promise of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Those of you rooting for his guy are yelling that Candidate Obama was talking about things like health-care and unemployment. I don’t think so. I believe, and this documentary reinforces this, that Barack Obama wants to change America in to a Euro-socialist country. If Dnesh D’souza is correct, he also wants to take America down a peg or too, because of his strong anti-colonial beliefs. He makes a strong case, based on the idolization of father, who definitely held those beliefs and Obama’s own writings in Dreams From My Father.
There are two things about Obama’s direction for America that scares me. The first is that it is happening, and it is happening with not only the consent, but the ignorant cheerleading of the Democrat Party and most of the major media. You need only to look at Europe to see the result of traveling down the road we are on. Free stuff is only free to the recipients. It all still has to be paid for. When those doing the paying are out numbered by those getting the gifts, it collapses. Obama and the Democrats campaign on what government will give to you, and how Republicans are evil because they want to slow that down. It is not evil; it is the exact opposite, to try to prevent bad things from happening. Economic collapse is a bad thing. Make no mistake, the money will run out one day.
The second thing that scares me? It’s working. Obama and the Democrats are using all of this borrowed money to enslave the American people to the federal government, and then by default to the Democrat party who promises to keep the money flowing. 47% of Americans pay no federal income tax. The amount of people collecting Social Security Disability is at an all time high. The percentage of people actually working is approaching Great Depression levels. Unemployment checks now last 99 weeks. Obama has effectively removed any barriers to the states requiring work for welfare checks.
It is a brilliant scheme, if all you care about is getting elected or reelected. Bribe the American people with the money they confiscate from the producers of this nation AND add to it money that HAS to be borrowed. Then dole out the money and promise to keep those checks coming, if the people keep voting for the “D”. Those being issued checks from the government, or promised free healthcare, or whatever free program is important to them, will vote for whatever Democrat is placed in front of them, no matter how unsustainable this system is. Those voters feel they have to have that money or program to survive and anyone who proposes any change to the system (that will collapse), is a radical or an extremist. Hello, Paul Ryan
The end result of all of this is that America deteriorates into a socialist state by default. There will be no vote. It happens one slow step at a time. After that, just like Europe, there is a period where people are happy. There will be borrowed money to sustain it; for a while. Then as Margaret Thatcher predicted, you run out of other people’s money, and the whole house of cards comes down.
I don’t want America to become like Greece, which has a debt so large they now are dependent on gifts from other countries to sustain itself. Where will the money come from to fund a lifestyle as large as the one we are accustomed to? No where. Unless we stop this bleeding of money, we are doomed. Period. The numbers are not politicians; they don’t lie. We can’t keep borrowing a trillion dollars every year. At some point those lending the trillions say “How are you going to even pay the interest on this?”. Then the money stops. Then the good times end.
If Barack Obama is reelected it could be all over. No one knows how close to the tipping point we are. Can we have four more years of piling debt up at this rate, and not reach the cliff? Maybe, but we will be trillions closer and current entitlements will become even more entrenched. Any talk of reforms in that area is already called racist and radical. ObamaCare will be upon us in full force and will be politically unretractable. The slide downhill will become faster.
We need Hope and Change. Obama promised both last time. The change he delivered was a push on the accelerator pedal as the nation hurdles towards a fiscal cliff. Now his slogan is “Forward”. I’m not marching with him and his supporters over the cliff. I hope you aren’t either.