I wrote four years ago that this nation was at a crossroads. I wrote that we had a clear decision to make. A vote for Barack Obama would be for a man with very socialist tendencies. Obama won and he spent the next four years proving me right. He misappropriated money from TARP to bailout General Motors and Chrysler, turning the US into a part owner of the companies. He signed the legislation making certain large banks ‘too big too fail”, thus making them government partners, he actively pushes to give labor unions more and more power, his policies have made a greater percentage of people dependent on food stamps, unemployment payments and disability, all the while pushing to take more and more money away from the so-call rich. And finally, the cherry on the Obama sundae, his signature achievement, the final nail; ObamaCare.
ObamaCare sets us on the unmistakable path to government funded healthcare. ObamaCare is now officially unrepealable. November 2012 was our last chance, our very last chance, to repeal this law, and to turn America back from socialism and then collapse. We failed.
ObamaCare is good intentions implemented through a terrible piece of grossly expensive legislation. 2000 plus pages of regulation and taxes that even the lackeys who wrote it don’t understand. But one thing is really clear. It’s expensive. Our nation can not survive this additional expense plus the mismanagement and gross waste that will come with it. Repealing it and replacing it with something more manageable had to happen.
Obama and the entire Democratic Party lack the will, leadership, or fortitude to address the problem of the entitlement programs we already have. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Food Stamps, are all ideas filled with good intentions. But we can’t afford them in their present incarnations. Over 2/3 of our budget, and 100% of the actual taxes we take in, go to fund these programs. We borrow or print money to take care of the things the federal government was intended to do. Things like national defense and infrastructure. When ObamaCare is fully implemented the amount of money we have to tax, print, or borrow only gets worse.
The Democrats won’t change any of those programs, including ObamaCare, for fear of losing votes. The Republican’s can’t change them because they are not in power, and likely won’t be, baring some economic disaster. There is no mystery to how this will end. The house of cards crumbles. Adding ObamaCare both finalizes the inevitable and speeds it up.
So, grandchildren, I’m sorry I could not make this clear to more people. I tried. I never thought I could make a huge difference. But, I did think that all the high profile people pulling in the same direction would make a difference. Obviously, I was seriously wrong. But, one thing is clear; the majority of Americans now fall into one of two camps. They either are too ill informed to make the choice that would keep this country viable, or they believe that Americans need government solutions to their problems.
Government solutions require more laws, regulations, and restrictions. So government must then grow. Government takes from those who produce and redistributes. Those that the government takes from, then have less incentive to produce.
Government is also overhead. Overhead is non-productive. It is the stuff businesses strive to reduce so there is money leftover. Government does not worry about money leftover (profits). Profit acts as a natural barrier to excess spending and waste. In the real world an entity unconcerned about profits vanishes. But when the government runs of money, they take it, print it, or borrow it. All of those things are bad and unsustainable. They will come to end at some point. We are now destined to spend way more money than we can possibly take in, and there is little left to slow it down.
That is why our die is cast. It is no longer if America collapses, we are down to when.
It’s over and my side lost. America is now on the unavoidable path to the fundamental change Obama promised.
You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t celebrate with the rest of you.