assurance, and regal manner. My man is in the first camp. I find the other side’s candidate to be aloof, meddlesome, and recreant. I have heard the other side describe my side as stupid, sycophantic, and slobbery. Whom do I speak of? It is not Republican vs Democrat. Tea Party vs Occupy Wall Street? No. Obama vs The House? Hardly. Mitt vs Newt? Truthfully, not that many care. No I speak of the eternal struggle of Dog vs. Cat.
I’m an unabashed dog lover. I have had cats, and while I will grant that they are good companions and are just as loving as a dog, the cat’s love is of a different kind. A dog loves you like he believes you are the center of the universe. A cat loves you like it believes it is the center of the universe.
You hear story after story of a dog intervening to save a family or family member from an intruder. Even the smallest dog will go after an intruder with the intent of driving it away from his master. This point is often used by a child to hoax the parents into getting a puppy. The parents relent because they know it is true. The cat will run off and hide, or go look for Lassie to save the day. I do think I heard a tale about a cat waking a family when there was a fire. I am pretty sure that it just wanted someone to let it outside, and saving the family was just incidental.
History is rife with tales of a dog refusing to leave the grave of his fallen master. The dog will lie on the grave, and no amount of coaxing will induce it to leave. The poor animal will starve itself, waiting for his companion to return. A cat will haunt a graveyard only to catch a bird or to meet up with a witch.
View these YouTube videos showing dogs greeting their returning soldiers from overseas.
Now look at the best video I could find of a cat greeting someone.
There is no need to comment, which of course means I will. The difference in the greetings is night and day. Also the motivation is clear. The dogs are ecstatic over the return of their companion. The cat is looking for a hand out.