“Look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something -- there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.
If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.”
The complete disconnect that it takes to say this blows me away every time I read it.
Those defending President Obama claim he is being taken out of context. They say that the “you didn’t build that” part referred to the roads and bridges. Personally, I don’t think so. I think the way he phased it makes it clear he was referring to the business. If he was talking about roads and bridges, then why not say “you didn’t build that” right after mentioning them, instead of moving on to another subject.
But, let’s assume for a minute he really meant you didn’t build the roads and bridges. Well, Duh. Of course not. But, we did fund them. It was our blood and sweat that generated the tax base that paid to have them built. We paid to create the level playing field that everyone lives and works on. Everyone has access to those roads, bridges, internet, and teachers. This is the point that Obama does not grasp. It is the individual initiative, creativity, and effort that goes into to creating a small business, which grows into a large business, that is far and away the most important part of the equation. A road, a bridge, or the internet does nothing, without the power of the individual. It’s not a partnership. Everyone is sitting on “Go”, but the power of our system comes from the ones who travel around the board and take chances. They create the jobs that far too many take for granted.
About five weeks ago I made a decision to start a website that would memorialize all of the people who went to my local high school, and who are no longer with us. It is called FallenBulldogs.com. I used the internet, which I did not create, but is available to everyone. A small business man would rent or buy a building that anyone else could rent or buy. He uses the roads and bridges that everyone else does on a daily basis. He makes use of the internet, which everyone else could have. He attended the same classes, with that same special teacher. But, he takes the chance on his idea.
I, not Barrack Obama, came up with the idea to create this site. Certainly I was inspired by something. Every business and every idea that has ever happened was inspired by something. But, the small business owner makes the very conscience and deliberate
I invested my own money to purchase a domain name and a web host. If I was a small business owner I would have likely had to borrow money and purchase equipment. The small business owner would be responsible for that loan, or be out his own money, no matter what happened to the business
I spent every spare minute I had on this project because I think it’s a good idea. That was easily over 100 hours in that time, while working a full time job. The small business owner is trying to make a living, providing a good or service that he believes will benefit the community. If he is wrong, he is on the hook for all the loans he took out and all of time he spent away from his family and friends. He might quit his job, throwing away the security it provides, to then work 16 hours or more, each day, 7 days a week, trying to make his business work. Barrack Obama is not beside him doing the work. But it is Barrack Obama and the Democrats who want to take his money IF he succeeds. They stigmatize him as an evil millionaire, should he rise to the level of $388, 351 and enter the top marginal tax bracket.
The small business owner is taking the risk. Not Barrack Obama. That small business owner is backing it with his money, his time, his creativity, and his passion. Not Barrack Obama. The small business owner is using the tools that government is supposed to provide (or fund). These same tools are available to everyone. But it is this special class of American; the entrepreneur, that take these risks. They have but two guarantees; if they fail, they pay. The second, if they succeed, the government will take their money.
This attitude by Barrack Obama, and the rest of the Democratic Party, (This is core stuff here; if you vote for him, you must agree with him) is what really galls me. It is their belief that it is the government and what it provides that makes America great. It is not. It is what the majority of the American people do; work to improve their station in life that makes America great.
Barrack Obama wants to make as many people dependent on the federal government as possible. He keeps selling the benefits of big government; what they can do for you, and then stigmatizing those who succeed. But, he fails to mention the big downside. Once you depend on that monthly check, your freedom is gone. (We will talk about actually coming up with the money for these monthly checks later) You are locked into a minimal existence and the initiative to better yourself atrophies and dies. It becomes too much trouble even to look for a job, much less keep it and try to move up. Work 70 plus hours a week to launch and make a new business succeed? Please, Oprah is on in ten minutes.
You can not give everything to everyone, without taking everything from everybody. Well, actually that’s not exactly true. You can’t give everything to everyone, period. But you can try and ruin a country in the process; Greece anyone?
Barrack Obama is the most dangerous man in America. He is driving the destruction of this country from within. He, and his supporters (look for the “D”), need to be voted out of office. This may actually be the last chance to stop the slide over the cliff. Your chance to apply the brakes comes on November 6th. 65 days and the clock is ticking………