We are locked into a hopeless situation, where the best possible scenarios now involve only delaying the inevitable, in hopes that enough American’s come to their senses to stop electing liberals to office. Why?
Liberals control K-12 education and most colleges. K-12 education is dominated by the teachers union, and school boards that populated mostly by former and current teachers union members. These unions represent the interest of the teachers, not the interest of the students or the parents. The candid and telling quote from Albert Shanker, former president of the United Federation of Teachers;
"When schoolchildren start paying union dues, that’s when I’ll start representing the interests of school children."
makes their position clear.
Those same unions are involved in an incestuous relationship with the Democratic Party. The unions funnel millions of dollars to Democrats (and almost nothing to Republicans) and the Democrats in turn, through school boards and state politics give teachers a very generous pay scale, benefits and pension program. The teachers are thus (and I speak generally, not for every teacher) are bound to the Democrat party, so as not to derail the gravy train. This leads them to support every liberal policy that tumbles out of the mouth of a brain-dead liberal politician. Children become indoctrinated in the liberal culture and must figure out for themselves that the false promises and dead end policies they were taught are false.
Most colleges (Hillsdale and Pepperdine are two shining examples that are immune to this) then turn the heat up to a boil and temper these still impressionable kids into liberals. Some of them go into business and the real world and are scrubbed of this foolishness. Most don’t. With degrees is Sociology, Women’s or Minority Studies, Music, Political Science, and any number of liberal arts degrees, these people look to the liberals who traveled this path before them for employment or handouts, until they too can mentor someone with a degree that can’t finance even a payment on their student load debt. They end up in politics, news outlets, or right back on campus as teachers and professors.
Some of those 20 assassins were carrying automatic, military-grade firearms that were allowed to be sold to them through President Obama’s Fast and Furious program. Did you hear about that through the normal media channels? No, not until Univision aired an hour long documentary did it get any play. The leftstream media then did all they could to abate the cover-up by Attorney General, and Obama sycophant Eric Holder. Did you hear about any of this as our hypocritical president talked about the need for gun control? Not a word.
Do you recall Abu Ghraib? Of course you do. You couldn’t escape it for months on end. That was the Bush ear scandal in which US prison guards in Iran, humiliated suspected terrorist prisoners by putting them in dog collars and posing them naked. How about the “US Kill Team” of 2011? Rolling Stone, to their credit, did a write up. But the rest of the liberal media ignored or buried this scandal in which American soldiers, on their own, decided to begin a campaign of assassination. Even the 2012 rampage killing (16 dead) by another, mentally ill, US soldier is never mentioned. That news cycle seemed to be about a week. The difference between the wall to wall, month on month Abu Ghraib coverage and the coverage given the two Afghanistan killings; a Democrat in the White House on the latter.
The liberals control Hollywood. Martin Sheen, Danny Glover, Barbara Streisand, Woody Harrelson, Whoppie Goldberg and on and on are constantly in the face of America crowing about the infallibility of Obama and his minions and decry any and every Republican as a fool, a racist, or outright evil. Michael Moore earns an Oscar for his factually challenged documentary on the Columbine shooting, while Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary, which is based on Obama’s own writings and interviews with people who know him, is not only ignored by the Academy, but was actually ignored by the critics. It made more money than any of Moore’s films, with the exception of his over-hyped “Fahrenheit/911”. The difference; one is critical of liberals. The other is made by one.
The term “Low Information Voter” (LIV) made its way into the lexicon this past election season. This is defined as a voter who has no working knowledge of the issues of the day, and has a deficient understanding of American civics in general. The growth of the LIV population is probably my biggest reason why I consider our situation hopeless. Our schools emphasize diversity and global warming. The news is more concerned with shielding liberals than informing the public, and Hollywood both saps our will to learn, while providing yet another indoctrination tool. We breed LIVs and getting them engaged will take a tragedy that will likely kill what is left of this once great nation.
But, the final and biggest reason the situation is hopeless is this. We have now bribed enough votes from the Middle Class to take us past the point of no return. Social Security, Medicare, and now ObamaCare are chiefly for the middle class. The rich vote, but there are not many of them. There are many more poor, but it is a struggle to get them to ballot boxes. The middle class, however, are eager voters. They, at least during the fall months of a presidential election year, are engaged in politics and will vote.
With one side of the political aisle making promises that Social Security will go on forever and that Medicare will go on forever, and now ObamaCare will give free healthcare to all (it won’t), the liberals have captured enough of the middle class where they will never be out of power for long. Ideology is one thing, but the pocketbook rules. Once you have made enough of the middle class dependent on the largess of the federal government, add in the poor, and the perpetual victims, the fight is over. That’s where we are at now.
Oh sure, there is going to be a Republican president again, maybe in 2016. But he (or she) will be worn to a frazzle by the forces lined against him/her. Any progress made towards retarding the socialist state will be quickly annulled, legislated out, found unconstitutional, or just ignored through the executive order of the next liberal-in-chief.
So, what to do? Well, we can hope people will stop believing the lies that the liberals pour out. Idiotic things, like taking guns away from law abiding citizens will keep them out of the hands of criminals or will stop deranged people from doing bad things. Or that by taking a couple of percentage points more in taxes from the rich is going to do anything to a trillion dollar per year deficit.
We can hope for change; but isn’t that what got us into this mess in the first place?