Being king is soooooo much easier. Kings give orders, and then people follow them. There is no messy legislative branch that must first pass a law, that the President would have to give his OK to, and then enforce. He would not have to worry about if a thing he wants to do is constitutional. The King says what is constitutional, because he changes what the constitution says at his whim.
I submit the following as proof
On June 15, 2012 Obama announced that his administration would no longer pursue deportation of “the children” of illegal aliens as long as they weren’t criminals and came to this country before age 16. Those children can be as old as 30 and there is no mechanism to check when they came to America. So in effect this is an amnesty program. Making this declaration even more egregious is the fact that just a year earlier, while addressing a Univision town hall, Obama said he specifically did not have the authority to do what he is now doing.
On April 2, 2012, Obama was very concerned that the Supreme Court would rule his signature piece of legislation, ObamaCare, unconstitutional. So he made a public statement that it
“……would be an unprecedented extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress”
That of course is crap. It passed by 7 votes in the House, and parliamentary procedures were misused to pass by a single vote in the Senate. Not one Republican voted for it. Then, of course, there the 200 plus year president of the Supreme Court hearing arguments on legislation and then, yes, maybe overturning them. Obama knows all about Marbury vs. Madison, which established that president. Obama used to lecture on constitutional law. So either he thinks he is king and is above Supreme Court oversight, or he really sucked as a lecturer.
The President of the United States is the head of the Executive branch of our government. It is the job of that department to enforce the laws passed by Congress. Like with the immigration issue, a king would decide which laws should be enforced
A vocal faction of Obama supporters believe that man is the major cause of global warming and that levels of CO2 must be reduced. That whole issue is hotly debated and there is no evidence that anthropogenic global warming is so. However, Obama needs the votes of those people who are believers in this nonsense. The president desperately wanted to pass what was called Cap and Trade legislation. This is a bill that would allow energy, and thus CO2 to be rationed. Most members of Congress knew that if they voted for that they would be unemployed after the next election, so it never passed. So in April 2009 Obama had the Environmental Protection Agency declare that CO2 is a pollutant, so it fell under the EPA jurisdiction and could be regulated through fiat. This is the action of a king. If you can’t get Congress to pass a law, pass it yourself.
Another vocal faction of Obama supports, the labor unions, demanded that Obama give them Card Check legislation. This would allow a union to be the bargaining agent for a group of employees, not by the secret vote that has been the stalwart of America for centuries, but by a check on a card. This card could be hand delivered by a union thug with the suggestion that it would be a good idea to check the right box. Private sector unions are dying and this is seen as the way to revive them. Congress, being concerned for their own jobs, decline to pass this bill, too.
Obama’s response was to pacify the unions by directing the National Labor Relations Board to aggressively act on any charges of unfair practices. That sounds well and good until you look at their actions against Boeing. Boeing made the decision to build a new factory, not in union friendly Washington State, but in right-to-work South Carolina. The NLRB brought suit against Boeing saying that this was an unfair labor practice, because it was punishing the Washington workers because they had struck in the past.
So Obama has thus decreed that all new factories must be union factories. This action ended up intimidating Boeing into giving in on concessions to it’s Washington workers so their billion dollar South Carolina plant would be left to employ other workers in peace.
On July 12, 2012 Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services announced that they would be granting waivers of the work requirement in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) law. TANF is the piece of legislation, signed by President Clinton that reformed welfare and has been wildly successful. Welfare roles fell as more and more people left welfare and began to work.
This decree allows waivers to be granted so the requirement for welfare recipients to work will be overlooked. The TANF does not allow for these waivers. Obama just decided that he can do it, because he thinks it needs to be done.
On February 23, 2011, Obama’s Department of Justice announced that they believe the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the Clinton era law that bars the federal recognition of same sex marriages was unconstitutional and that they would no longer be enforcing it. Did you get that? The Department of Justice says that it’s unconstitutional. That is the job of the Supreme Court. Only the Supreme Court can declare something unconstitutional. It should disturb you, even if you agree with Obama’s opinion, that he is circumventing the judicial branch of the government.
There are more examples, like Obama’s endless parade of czars that bypass Congressional approval or his ignoring bankruptcy laws to bail out the United Autoworkers Union, but by my point is crystal clear. This man has decided he is above the law. He had decided he is the law. Obama is our worse nightmare; a man who ignores 230 plus years of following law and following the constitution. He throws them out the window and does what he wants.
What is worse is 40% of this country looks the other way, because they agree with the outcomes he wants. It is not the outcomes that are important. This country was built on laws, processes, and the Constitution. Ignoring those, ignores all the blood and effort it took to get us here, and more importantly ignoring them tears the constitution down. No constitution equals no guiding principles. Obama said he wants to “fundamentally transform America”. Well, he’s doing it. I hope you are going to join me in November and stop him.