We are locked into a hopeless situation, where the best possible scenarios now involve only delaying the inevitable, in hopes that enough American’s come to their senses to stop electing liberals to office. Why?
Liberals control K-12 education and most colleges. K-12 education is dominated by the teachers union, and school boards that populated mostly by former and current teachers union members. These unions represent the interest of the teachers, not the interest of the students or the parents. The candid and telling quote from Albert Shanker, former president of the United Federation of Teachers;
"When schoolchildren start paying union dues, that’s when I’ll start representing the interests of school children."
makes their position clear.
Those same unions are involved in an incestuous relationship with the Democratic Party. The unions funnel millions of dollars to Democrats (and almost nothing to Republicans) and the Democrats in turn, through school boards and state politics give teachers a very generous pay scale, benefits and pension program. The teachers are thus (and I speak generally, not for every teacher) are bound to the Democrat party, so as not to derail the gravy train. This leads them to support every liberal policy that tumbles out of the mouth of a brain-dead liberal politician. Children become indoctrinated in the liberal culture and must figure out for themselves that the false promises and dead end policies they were taught are false.
Most colleges (Hillsdale and Pepperdine are two shining examples that are immune to this) then turn the heat up to a boil and temper these still impressionable kids into liberals. Some of them go into business and the real world and are scrubbed of this foolishness. Most don’t. With degrees is Sociology, Women’s or Minority Studies, Music, Political Science, and any number of liberal arts degrees, these people look to the liberals who traveled this path before them for employment or handouts, until they too can mentor someone with a degree that can’t finance even a payment on their student load debt. They end up in politics, news outlets, or right back on campus as teachers and professors.