I will defend that statement in a second. But, first let me say that Romney acquitted himself very well last night. He had command of the facts and made point after point concerning jobs, the economy, and both our debt and growing deficit. He had Obama constantly trying to defend his record, and I don’t think Obama’s answers on the economy, or much else, are going to play very well with undecided voters. Both sides are claiming victory on this one, but Obama needed a decisive victory to stop the bleeding. He didn’t get it. Like the VP debate of last week, the talk is about Crowley and Obama’s deceptive answer, not the issues. Round two to the challenger.
Unfriendly environment; each of these four debates is being held at a university; supposedly neutral territory. But, last night shows, by the cheering (presumably by the students, and not the press) when Crowley “fact checked” on an answer the president gave. The vast and overwhelming majority of our colleges have become indoctrination centers for not only liberalism, but socialism. The fact that attendees could not contain themselves, when “their man” was supposedly vindicated, is proof positive. Why are none of the debates being held at places like Hillsdale College, Grove College, Pepperdine, or even in a non-university setting? Where is it written that the conservative must always be on hostile ground?
Unfriendly reporter: The prime directive of a debate moderator is to stay objective and neutral. Candy Crowley was not that. It started with the second question of the debate. In a debate there is a back and forth. Debater #1 gets the question; Debater #2 gets the last word. In the first question, about Jobs, Romney got the question, and Obama got the last word. On the next question, about gas prices, they went back and forth, but the last response should have gone to Romney. He had to call Crowley on that, and then when she tried to brush him off, talk over her to get his point across. She constantly let the president run over on his allotted time and Obama ended up with 11% more talking time.
Then we have the questions. And remember, these were not random questions. They were fully screened, chosen, and even who would get which question was decided by Candy Crowley and her staff. There was nothing random about what was asked or who it was asked to. Question #4 was about the “fact” that women make only 72% of what women do. This is an old half truth, which has been debunked time and time again. Women who have worked for the same company, for the same amount of time, doing the same job, make almost the same amount of money. The discrepancy is no where near 28 cents on