But, what disturbed me most about this report was our President’s reaction. He used it as excuse to extol Congress to pass the payroll tax cut and to
“..not slow down the recovery we are on. Do not muck it up.”
At the risk of being labeled a racist; this is the most egregious case of the pot calling the kettle black I have heard on this subject.
“Do not muck it up”.
Boeing decides to build a manufacturing plant in right-to-work state, South Carolina. The unions representing the workers in Washington state, throw a hissy fit. They file a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), claiming that Boeing’s decision on where to build is retaliation for the labor strikes called in the Seattle plants. Since it is retaliation, they claim, that it is illegal under the Wagner Act of 1935. Does the NLRB, lead by recent Obama appointees, laugh and tell the unions they have no power to tell a company where they can build their plants? No, it takes the case and eventually blackmails Boeing into signing a new labor agreement with the machinist union in Seattle. This cost Boeing millions in related costs. How likely are they, or another big company, going to be to build a plant in the US, in this kind of
“Do not muck it up.”
President Obama championed, and his fellow Democrats rammed a controversial, ineffective,
and financially burdensome healthcare bill, ObamaCare, down the throats of the American people. Businesses everywhere are trying to figure out how it will affect them. But, based on the amended costs of health insurance premiums, since the bill was passed; it is universally agreed that healthcare and healthcare insurance will be more expensive. Businesses are now forced to pay for insurance that will cover 25 year old “children’. Businesses respond by not hiring new people; focusing instead on improving productivity and approving more overtime.
“Do not muck it up.”
Canada desperately wants to build a north-south pipeline to send petroleum products originating from the oil sands in Alberta to our refineries along the Gulf Coast. The Keystone XL pipeline would create 20,000 jobs almost right away and hundreds of thousands of oil related jobs in the coming years. Obama at first gave his approval, and I gave him credit for that. But true to form he did the political calculus and put his re-