I don’t think I am going to dwell too much on the Why of it. Human nature and an ignorance of history play a large part in that. The Romans fell. The Soviets fell. The Greeks are falling for the second time, and for the same reasons. And America is falling.
The How is also complicated and I lay most of the blame on liberalism and their mistaken belief that they can help one person by hurting someone else. They are also cursed with a level of arrogance that fuels most of what is causing America’s decline. Our current president is absolutely positive that he knows what is best for everyone one of us in America. Guns are bad. The rich don’t pay enough, ever. Global warming is a certainty. Hitler was sure of himself, too. Now, I don’t equate what Obama is doing to the genocide and war that Hitler caused, but the level of arrogance is comparable.
And that arrogance brings me back to Hollywood. Hollywood liberals have convinced themselves that because they are exceptionally talented at pretending to be something they aren’t, that they can pretend to be an expert on issues concerning politics and science. That delusion is fine in itself, but because of their fame and prominence they have a disproportionate sway with a large part of the American populace.
Think about it for a second. The best actors, those best gifted in the art of deception, those anointed by the Academy Awards, are given the most credibility by American in general. The only other class of people this good at lying are politicians and Americans at least have the sense to know not to believe what they say. But get Brad Pitt, or whoever won Best Actor this year, to endorse it, and Americans will buy horse manure and rub it on their faces.
Now as I see it, these Hollywood elites have the same freedom as you or I. They can give their money to whatever causes they choose, and they are free to sway others to do the same. If I am being honest, they are even free to use their powers of deception to lobby Congress, to pass laws to take my money and freedoms.
But here comes my true epiphany. I am not required to like it or support it. In fact, I’m an idiot if I do. When I pay good money to attend a movie that is driven by some liberal actor, who disagrees with me philosophically, not to mention politically, I am empowering said liberal, with my own money, to fuel whatever idiocy this person cares to preach.
So, I don’t do it. I don’t watch the Oscars. I don’t go to see very many movies. I watch only an hour or so of TV per night and I TiVo that. That way I don’t see the commercials that are paying for it. I do try to support entertainers that I do agree with on a political level, but they are rare and in hiding. Make no mistake. Hollywood is overwhelmingly liberal. Actors who let on that they are conservative are called one name in Los Angeles, Waiter.
But does my stance really matter? No, I’m just one guy and the vast, vast majority of Americans would rather be entertained through TV or movies, than read a book or something that requires effort. So, it’s one more windmill for me to till at.
Am I missing out? Well, I have never been subjected to even one episode of Jersey Shore, Toddlers and Tiaras, or even Survivor. I count that as a blessing. I had to ask Google what a Honey Boo Boo was. Good call not watching that one either. I can’t name the current American Idol judges. I don’t remember which picture won Best Picture last year, but chances are you don’t either. So, No, I’m not missing out.
Like I said I do watch some TV. But I have resolved that the entertainment industry is not going to rob me of my time, my money, and that I will minimize the amount of support I give those working against what I believe in.
Now excuse me while I go spend the next hour letting a bunch of liberal actors help me escape the reality they are helping to carve out. The irony really bites.