Scooter Meet a Hero

Brighton Courthouse, about 1910
Scooter good dog. Scooter also confused dog. Scooter is lost! Scooter does not get lost! Scooter nose always knows where Scooter is at. Scooter see signs. Scooter see buildings. Scooter see people. All tell Scooter where Scooter is. Not tonight. Scooter is lost. Scooter was not lost a minute ago. Scooter was not lost when Scooter was chasing evil flower eating rabbit. Scooter should start at beginning.
Much before Scooter chase evil flower eating rabbit, Scooter was at home. Scooter was hungry. Scooter was not tired. Scooter go over to food bowl and decide to have midnight snack. Everyone else is sleep. Mommy sleep. Granny sleep. Grandpappy sleep. Then Scooter hear noise. Noise is Pete. Pete is Mommy boyfriend. Pete not live here. Pete is sleep on couch tonight. Pete not tired. Pete get up and head to back door. Pete is going to smoke. Scooter not like smoke. Scooter not understand why peeples smoke. Smoke smell bad. Smoke taste bad. Smoke make eyes wet. Smoke make throat hurt. Smoke is dumb. Pete go outside. Scooter go outside, too. Scooter like outside. Scooter like night outside. Night outside is quiet. Animals come out to play at night. Scooter want to chase squirrels. Scooter want to chase rabbits. Scooter want to chase cats. But Scooter is not allowed out of backyard. The stoopid Dog Catcher will put Scooter in jail. Scooter is sad!
Pete not pay attention to Scooter. Pete walk through back gate and go to car. Scooter decided tonight is good night to chase amimals! Scooter walk out gate, too. Pete go one way. Scooter go the other way. Scooter walk and pee. Soon Scooter is on Skeel Street. Then Scooter sees The Squirrel! Scooter hate The Squirrel. The Squirrel is mean to Scooter. Every day The Squirrel walk across telephone wire in Scooter backyard. Every day The Squirrel stop and yell down
“Stoopid Dog! You can’t get me!”
Scooter bark and bark and bark. The Squirrel just walk on wire and twitch it’s tail at Scooter. Tonight The Squirrel is on the ground. Today The Squirrel is in middle of grass. Scooter run! Scooter bark! The Squirrel run! Scooter get close! The Squirrel run up tree! The Squirrel is breathing too hard to taunt Scooter. Scooter almost get The Squirrel. That make Scooter happy. Scooter decide to walk for while. Scooter walk up to Egbert on 11th. The Scooter head west. Scooter walk. Scooter pee. Scooter walk. Scooter pee. Scooter run after cat, but cat see Scooter and run away. Scooter walk. Scooter pee. Scooter cross many streets. Scooter cross 4th Street, and then 3rd Street. Wait! Scooter see Rabbit father down. Rabbit is evil. Rabbit eat Grandpappy flowers. Scooter job to keep Grandpappy flowers safe. Scooter stalk rabbit. Scooter move slow. Scooter stay low. Scooter get closer. Scooter almost close enough. Then rabbit see Scooter and run! Rabbit is very fast! Scooter bark and run. Rabbit dart south on 2nd Street and then head for bushes. Scooter try to follow, but Rabbit is too fast. Scooter catch a glimpse of rabbit crossing bridge over ditch. Scooter run fast over bridge. Then Scooter feel sick!
Scooter not know what happened. First Scooter feel like Scooter. Scooter cross bridge and Scooter feel like Eve when she have seizure. Scooter not shake like Eve. Scooter just feel sick. Scooter lay down. Soon Scooter feel better. Scooter smell air to find out where Scooter is. Nose tells Scooter strange things. Scooter smells, horses! Scooter never smell horses in town before. Scooter look back. Bridge is gone! House is gone! Bushes are different! Scooter is lost!
Scooter not sure what to do. Scooter can not go back. Scooter hate water. Scooter see light. Light mean peeple! Maybe people help Scooter. Scooter must watch for Dog Catcher. Scooter come to railroad tracks. Scooter decided to walk by tracks toward light. Scooter only walk short distance and Scooter see three men. Scooter stop and listen.
“C’mon Bill, downtown is this way. There’s nothing worth messin' with that way” say Big Man
“You sure about this, J.B.?” say man called Bill
“I’m sure. They lost their night policeman a month ago. We shouldn’t have anyone botherin’ us.” Say J.B. “Ole, Hurry the hell up!” continue JB to third man.
Scooter is not sure about these men. Scooter’s back hair is standing up. But, Scooter need to find home. Scooter walk up to men and Scooter whine. The man called J.B. jumps.
“God Damn, Cur” yells J.B. and man kicks Scooter! Scooter tries to move, but Scooter is not fast enough. Man kicks Scooter on Scooter back leg. Scooter does not like these men. Scooter growls at the men. Scooter is not afraid! JB pulls something out of his coat and points it at Scooter.
“Hold it, J.B.” shouts man called Ole. “If you fired that Colt, you’ll wake up the whole town. Damn sure the Marshall will get woke up”
Man called J.B. grunts, reaches down and picks up a rock. Scooter has seen mean boys do this. Scooter runs! Scooter keeps running towards the lights. Scooter comes to a dirt road. Scooter follows this dirt road a little while until it meets another dirt road. Scooter is still very confused! Brighton does not have dirt roads. Dirt roads are out in country, with horses. Maybe Scooter is very sick. Maybe Scooter walk far and not know it. Scooter confused. Scooter tired. Scooter thirsty!
Scooter can see lights close now. These lights are very strange. These lights are fire. The fire is like Grandpappy’s tiki torches in the back ground. But, they are in a glass box. They also smell different. Scooter does not care. Scooter need water. Scooter smell. Horses are very close! Scooter also smell water! Scooter find wooden bathtub full of water. Water is not fresh, but it is water. Scooter drink and drink and drink. Scooter feel better. Scooter hear talking! People near by!
“Del, I don’t know what all the hubbub is about” say man “We don’t need those damn “primaries”. We all know it will be Taft on side and Bryant on the other. One big fat crook and one tall thin crook.”
“Yeah, yeah, Harry” say man called Del “I don’t get into politics. It ain’t smart in my new line of work. I’ll always be makin’ someone mad. The less of that, the better”
The man called Harry laughed.
“Well, I’m off to bed. I’ve closed the saloon, cleaned up, and even had me a meal. Time to go home to the wife” say man called Harry
“Bye, Harry”
“Bye, Del”
Scooter thinks these are not bad men. Scooter walks over to man called Del and whines.
“Hello there, pooch. What’s your problem?”
Scooter walk closer. Scooter sit. Scooter whine again. Del walk over and reach down and pet Scooter. Del is nice man. Del rub Scooter ears. Scooter looooovvee ear rubs.
“I wonder who you belong to. Let’s move you over to a gas lamp so I can get a look at you. C’mon. C’mon.”
Scooter and Del walk down dirt road towards lights. Soon Del stop and lean over Scooter.
“You have a collar. So you must belong to someone important. I’ve never seen cloth like this before. I’ll bet it’s expensive. Some people got so much money they have to spend it on a dog.”
Scooter whine.
“All right. You seem like a good dog.”
Del twist Scooter collar and say
“What the devil is ‘Hooters’? Your owner belong to some sort of bird watchin' club? Whoever you belong to, has got more money than he knows what to do with.” Scooter woof. Del laugh.
“I suppose I should keep you close by.” I can ask around see if someone is looking for you”
Del pull thing out of coat pocket and open it up.
“Yeah, but that won’t be for awhile. It’s just after midnight. There ain’t no one up, ‘cept Miss Roberts over at telephone office, and the guy over at the depot. I guess you’ll just have to make the rounds with me. That OK, with you?”
Scooter woof. Scooter not sure what man is talking about. But it sound like man help Scooter get home. Del start to walk down dirt road.
“C,mon. Let’s work our way down to the courthouse”
Much before Scooter chase evil flower eating rabbit, Scooter was at home. Scooter was hungry. Scooter was not tired. Scooter go over to food bowl and decide to have midnight snack. Everyone else is sleep. Mommy sleep. Granny sleep. Grandpappy sleep. Then Scooter hear noise. Noise is Pete. Pete is Mommy boyfriend. Pete not live here. Pete is sleep on couch tonight. Pete not tired. Pete get up and head to back door. Pete is going to smoke. Scooter not like smoke. Scooter not understand why peeples smoke. Smoke smell bad. Smoke taste bad. Smoke make eyes wet. Smoke make throat hurt. Smoke is dumb. Pete go outside. Scooter go outside, too. Scooter like outside. Scooter like night outside. Night outside is quiet. Animals come out to play at night. Scooter want to chase squirrels. Scooter want to chase rabbits. Scooter want to chase cats. But Scooter is not allowed out of backyard. The stoopid Dog Catcher will put Scooter in jail. Scooter is sad!
Pete not pay attention to Scooter. Pete walk through back gate and go to car. Scooter decided tonight is good night to chase amimals! Scooter walk out gate, too. Pete go one way. Scooter go the other way. Scooter walk and pee. Soon Scooter is on Skeel Street. Then Scooter sees The Squirrel! Scooter hate The Squirrel. The Squirrel is mean to Scooter. Every day The Squirrel walk across telephone wire in Scooter backyard. Every day The Squirrel stop and yell down
“Stoopid Dog! You can’t get me!”
Scooter bark and bark and bark. The Squirrel just walk on wire and twitch it’s tail at Scooter. Tonight The Squirrel is on the ground. Today The Squirrel is in middle of grass. Scooter run! Scooter bark! The Squirrel run! Scooter get close! The Squirrel run up tree! The Squirrel is breathing too hard to taunt Scooter. Scooter almost get The Squirrel. That make Scooter happy. Scooter decide to walk for while. Scooter walk up to Egbert on 11th. The Scooter head west. Scooter walk. Scooter pee. Scooter walk. Scooter pee. Scooter run after cat, but cat see Scooter and run away. Scooter walk. Scooter pee. Scooter cross many streets. Scooter cross 4th Street, and then 3rd Street. Wait! Scooter see Rabbit father down. Rabbit is evil. Rabbit eat Grandpappy flowers. Scooter job to keep Grandpappy flowers safe. Scooter stalk rabbit. Scooter move slow. Scooter stay low. Scooter get closer. Scooter almost close enough. Then rabbit see Scooter and run! Rabbit is very fast! Scooter bark and run. Rabbit dart south on 2nd Street and then head for bushes. Scooter try to follow, but Rabbit is too fast. Scooter catch a glimpse of rabbit crossing bridge over ditch. Scooter run fast over bridge. Then Scooter feel sick!
Scooter not know what happened. First Scooter feel like Scooter. Scooter cross bridge and Scooter feel like Eve when she have seizure. Scooter not shake like Eve. Scooter just feel sick. Scooter lay down. Soon Scooter feel better. Scooter smell air to find out where Scooter is. Nose tells Scooter strange things. Scooter smells, horses! Scooter never smell horses in town before. Scooter look back. Bridge is gone! House is gone! Bushes are different! Scooter is lost!
Scooter not sure what to do. Scooter can not go back. Scooter hate water. Scooter see light. Light mean peeple! Maybe people help Scooter. Scooter must watch for Dog Catcher. Scooter come to railroad tracks. Scooter decided to walk by tracks toward light. Scooter only walk short distance and Scooter see three men. Scooter stop and listen.
“C’mon Bill, downtown is this way. There’s nothing worth messin' with that way” say Big Man
“You sure about this, J.B.?” say man called Bill
“I’m sure. They lost their night policeman a month ago. We shouldn’t have anyone botherin’ us.” Say J.B. “Ole, Hurry the hell up!” continue JB to third man.
Scooter is not sure about these men. Scooter’s back hair is standing up. But, Scooter need to find home. Scooter walk up to men and Scooter whine. The man called J.B. jumps.
“God Damn, Cur” yells J.B. and man kicks Scooter! Scooter tries to move, but Scooter is not fast enough. Man kicks Scooter on Scooter back leg. Scooter does not like these men. Scooter growls at the men. Scooter is not afraid! JB pulls something out of his coat and points it at Scooter.
“Hold it, J.B.” shouts man called Ole. “If you fired that Colt, you’ll wake up the whole town. Damn sure the Marshall will get woke up”
Man called J.B. grunts, reaches down and picks up a rock. Scooter has seen mean boys do this. Scooter runs! Scooter keeps running towards the lights. Scooter comes to a dirt road. Scooter follows this dirt road a little while until it meets another dirt road. Scooter is still very confused! Brighton does not have dirt roads. Dirt roads are out in country, with horses. Maybe Scooter is very sick. Maybe Scooter walk far and not know it. Scooter confused. Scooter tired. Scooter thirsty!
Scooter can see lights close now. These lights are very strange. These lights are fire. The fire is like Grandpappy’s tiki torches in the back ground. But, they are in a glass box. They also smell different. Scooter does not care. Scooter need water. Scooter smell. Horses are very close! Scooter also smell water! Scooter find wooden bathtub full of water. Water is not fresh, but it is water. Scooter drink and drink and drink. Scooter feel better. Scooter hear talking! People near by!
“Del, I don’t know what all the hubbub is about” say man “We don’t need those damn “primaries”. We all know it will be Taft on side and Bryant on the other. One big fat crook and one tall thin crook.”
“Yeah, yeah, Harry” say man called Del “I don’t get into politics. It ain’t smart in my new line of work. I’ll always be makin’ someone mad. The less of that, the better”
The man called Harry laughed.
“Well, I’m off to bed. I’ve closed the saloon, cleaned up, and even had me a meal. Time to go home to the wife” say man called Harry
“Bye, Harry”
“Bye, Del”
Scooter thinks these are not bad men. Scooter walks over to man called Del and whines.
“Hello there, pooch. What’s your problem?”
Scooter walk closer. Scooter sit. Scooter whine again. Del walk over and reach down and pet Scooter. Del is nice man. Del rub Scooter ears. Scooter looooovvee ear rubs.
“I wonder who you belong to. Let’s move you over to a gas lamp so I can get a look at you. C’mon. C’mon.”
Scooter and Del walk down dirt road towards lights. Soon Del stop and lean over Scooter.
“You have a collar. So you must belong to someone important. I’ve never seen cloth like this before. I’ll bet it’s expensive. Some people got so much money they have to spend it on a dog.”
Scooter whine.
“All right. You seem like a good dog.”
Del twist Scooter collar and say
“What the devil is ‘Hooters’? Your owner belong to some sort of bird watchin' club? Whoever you belong to, has got more money than he knows what to do with.” Scooter woof. Del laugh.
“I suppose I should keep you close by.” I can ask around see if someone is looking for you”
Del pull thing out of coat pocket and open it up.
“Yeah, but that won’t be for awhile. It’s just after midnight. There ain’t no one up, ‘cept Miss Roberts over at telephone office, and the guy over at the depot. I guess you’ll just have to make the rounds with me. That OK, with you?”
Scooter woof. Scooter not sure what man is talking about. But it sound like man help Scooter get home. Del start to walk down dirt road.
“C,mon. Let’s work our way down to the courthouse”

Main Street looking south. The building at the end of the street is the Opera House (Carmichael Building)
Scooter follow Del. Scooter and Del walk from one building to another. Del would stop and rattle door. Scooter not know why. Scooter not know how this help Scooter get home. But Scooter keep following. Del is nice man. Scooter and Del turn right and walk down dirt road with many lights.
“We will walk east on Bridge St and check the business on this side of the street. Then check the Courthouse. Then we will walk down the other side of the street as we head west and check those. Sound like a plan?”
Scooter bark. Scooter still not understand, but Del is nice man. Scooter trust Del. Del will get Scooter home.
“I’m pretty happy to have this Night Marshall job.” say Del “I just started it two weeks ago.”
“Brighton is an up and coming town. We became the county seat four years ago. The courthouse, over yonder, was just finished two years ago. We just got a brand new depot, last year. And, I heard Marshall Moore say we got about 800 people in town now. Can you believe that?”
Scooter woof. Del laugh.
“You’re good company. I’m gonna hate to give you up” say Del
Scooter and Del walk down dirt road. Del stop and rattle doors at each building. Sometimes Del stop and look in windows. Scooter and Del reach big building. Scooter and Del walk all around big building. Del rattle every door Del see. Scooter does not care. Scooter like Del.
“Hey, boy. What say we take a break? I stashed my supper over yonder at City Park when I came on duty. Elnora packed me some ham and fried eggs, plus some fresh baked bread. She’s a damn fine cook. She still gettin’ used to me workin’ this late shift, but we are managing.”
Scooter stop listening after “ham”. Scooter knows ham! Scooter love ham! Scooter follow Del. Scooter sniff air. Scooter smell ham. It is not strong smell. Scooter walk ahead of Del. Scooter keep sniff air. Ham smell get stronger. Scooter keep walking. Ham smell keep stronger. Scooter follow nose to gray metal pail. Scooter start touching pail with nose.
“Not bad, hound. You got a good nose. I wonder if your master has you trained for huntin'?”
Del and Scooter sit on ground. Del open pail. Del give Scooter food as Del eats. Del is not mean with food. Scooter like Del. Soon food is gone.
“Well, that didn’t take long. We better get a move on. We got a lot of businesses to check on. We have to work our way all the way to church behind the Opera House.”
“We will walk east on Bridge St and check the business on this side of the street. Then check the Courthouse. Then we will walk down the other side of the street as we head west and check those. Sound like a plan?”
Scooter bark. Scooter still not understand, but Del is nice man. Scooter trust Del. Del will get Scooter home.
“I’m pretty happy to have this Night Marshall job.” say Del “I just started it two weeks ago.”
“Brighton is an up and coming town. We became the county seat four years ago. The courthouse, over yonder, was just finished two years ago. We just got a brand new depot, last year. And, I heard Marshall Moore say we got about 800 people in town now. Can you believe that?”
Scooter woof. Del laugh.
“You’re good company. I’m gonna hate to give you up” say Del
Scooter and Del walk down dirt road. Del stop and rattle doors at each building. Sometimes Del stop and look in windows. Scooter and Del reach big building. Scooter and Del walk all around big building. Del rattle every door Del see. Scooter does not care. Scooter like Del.
“Hey, boy. What say we take a break? I stashed my supper over yonder at City Park when I came on duty. Elnora packed me some ham and fried eggs, plus some fresh baked bread. She’s a damn fine cook. She still gettin’ used to me workin’ this late shift, but we are managing.”
Scooter stop listening after “ham”. Scooter knows ham! Scooter love ham! Scooter follow Del. Scooter sniff air. Scooter smell ham. It is not strong smell. Scooter walk ahead of Del. Scooter keep sniff air. Ham smell get stronger. Scooter keep walking. Ham smell keep stronger. Scooter follow nose to gray metal pail. Scooter start touching pail with nose.
“Not bad, hound. You got a good nose. I wonder if your master has you trained for huntin'?”
Del and Scooter sit on ground. Del open pail. Del give Scooter food as Del eats. Del is not mean with food. Scooter like Del. Soon food is gone.
“Well, that didn’t take long. We better get a move on. We got a lot of businesses to check on. We have to work our way all the way to church behind the Opera House.”

Main and Cabbage, looking south, 1915?
Scooter and Del walk. Del continues to rattle doors at the buildings. Scooter keeps walking beside Del. When Del stop. Scooter stop. Scooter pee, too. Scooter and Del walk back down dirt road with lights. They come to tall buildings. One has very bright light in front.
“I don’t know why Mr. Counter insists on burning this damn arc light all night. Ain’t nobody up to see it. At least we don’t have any trouble finding his lumber yard.”
Scooter and Del turn north down another street with many lights. Some buildings Del does not rattle door. Some Del does. Scooter walk with Del. Del talk to Scooter a lot. Del tell Scooter about this man. Del tell Scooter about this building. Scooter listen. Scooter not understand. But, Scooter not care. Del is nice man. Del help Scooter go home. Del and Scooter cross dirt road
“That’s Swann’s Livery Stable.” say Del as he points. “That’s as far north as we go tonight.”
Del rattle door and then Del start walking back to tall buildings. Del walk. Del rattle door. Del walk Del rattle door. Scooter follow. Scooter lead. Scooter sniff. Scooter pee. At end of dirt road is tall building. This building taller than other buildings.
“That’s the Opera House. It has more than that in the building, but we just call it the Opera House.” Say Del
Del rattle door and then walk west.
Scooter hear noise. Scooter growl.
“What’s up with you?” ask Del.
Scooter look ahead and growl. Scooter hear noise. Scooter smell men. Scooter smell man who kick Scooter! Scooter growl again.
“What do you hear, boy? ask Del “You hear another dog? There are plenty of strays running around. Let’s go. We need to check around the corner”
Del walk. Scooter walk. Scooter back hair stand up. Scooter does not like men Scooter smell. Maybe Del make men go away. Maybe Scooter bite man who kick Scooter. Scooter good dog. But if man try hurt Scooter again, Scooter bite!
Del walk around corner. Del start to whistle. Scooter growl again.
“What is with you, dog? There is_”
“I don’t know why Mr. Counter insists on burning this damn arc light all night. Ain’t nobody up to see it. At least we don’t have any trouble finding his lumber yard.”
Scooter and Del turn north down another street with many lights. Some buildings Del does not rattle door. Some Del does. Scooter walk with Del. Del talk to Scooter a lot. Del tell Scooter about this man. Del tell Scooter about this building. Scooter listen. Scooter not understand. But, Scooter not care. Del is nice man. Del help Scooter go home. Del and Scooter cross dirt road
“That’s Swann’s Livery Stable.” say Del as he points. “That’s as far north as we go tonight.”
Del rattle door and then Del start walking back to tall buildings. Del walk. Del rattle door. Del walk Del rattle door. Scooter follow. Scooter lead. Scooter sniff. Scooter pee. At end of dirt road is tall building. This building taller than other buildings.
“That’s the Opera House. It has more than that in the building, but we just call it the Opera House.” Say Del
Del rattle door and then walk west.
Scooter hear noise. Scooter growl.
“What’s up with you?” ask Del.
Scooter look ahead and growl. Scooter hear noise. Scooter smell men. Scooter smell man who kick Scooter! Scooter growl again.
“What do you hear, boy? ask Del “You hear another dog? There are plenty of strays running around. Let’s go. We need to check around the corner”
Del walk. Scooter walk. Scooter back hair stand up. Scooter does not like men Scooter smell. Maybe Del make men go away. Maybe Scooter bite man who kick Scooter. Scooter good dog. But if man try hurt Scooter again, Scooter bite!
Del walk around corner. Del start to whistle. Scooter growl again.
“What is with you, dog? There is_”

“Don’t come no closer and put your hands in the air! yells Man who kicked Scooter.
Scooter growl. Del pull something out of his coat, and say
“This is Marshall Ellis! You come out in the light where I can see you!”
Then Scooter hear a loud bang! Bang is louder than when door slam! Bang scare Scooter! But Scooter not run.
Then there is another loud Bang! Bang come from Del. Scooter is scared. Scooter does not run.
“Shit, J.B.! say man “Let’s get the hell outta here!”
Scooter hear men run. Men run away from Del. Men run away from Scooter. Scooter look at Del. Del has his hand on his side and is make a strange face. Scooter know Del is hurt. Scooter want to help. Scooter woof!
“He shot me, dog!” say Del. “I need a doctor.”
Scooter not know “shot” Scooter do know that Del does not sound the same. Del sound weak. Del starts to walk. Del walk funny. Del walk slow and shakey. Del walk to stairs that lead to door. Lady come out of door.
“What happened?!” yell lady “I heard explosions!”
“They shot me!” say Del “Get a doctor”
Del fall onto stairs. Lady scream and run inside. Scooter walk over to Del and nose Del.
“Damn, this hurts. It burns like the fires in hell. “I ain’t bleedin’ much, though”
Del show Scooter Del’s hand. Hand have red stuff on it. Del pat Scooter side. Del is not strong. Del is weak like new puppy. Del is not talk loud. Scooter is scared. Scooter woof!
“It’s OK, boy. Help is comin.” Del not sound good. Scooter hear man running.
“What happened?” say running man. Lady come back outside.
“He’s right over here, Doc!” say lady “ He said he was shot!”
Man run to Del. Scooter get out of way. Scooter is scared. Scooter hear more men running. Men are running towards Scooter. Scooter move. Men run past Scooter. Men run to Del. Scooter hear first man say;
“Dammit! He’s shot all right. He has a hole right on his left side! He ain’t bleeding to bad, but I think he’s bleeding internally, too!”
The first man turn to another man who is also touching Del and say
“Fred, you’re a surgeon, can you take the bullet out”
Second man say “I don’t have the facilities for that, plus the damage needs to be fixed inside him. We have to get him to Denver.”
Scooter hear someone yell “I’ll go get my team!” Someone else say
“There’s a freight sittin’ at the depot! Maybe we could put him on that!”
“That’ll be fastest” say man called Fred.
Scooter move back. Scooter is scared! Scooter is confused. Scooter keeps getting kicked by men trying to get to Del. Scooter move back. Scooter walk to where bad men were. Scooter sniff. Scooter can still smell bad men. Scooter sniff again. One man smell is strong. Scooter follow nose. Nose take Scooter to hat! Scooter sniff hat.
“Get away from that, dog!” yell man.
Man rush to Scooter and pull Scooter away from hat.
“Over here, George! I found something!”
George come over to where Scooter is and pick up hat.
“I’ll bet this from the guy that shot Del!” say first man.
“Look, you give this to Sheriff Hackley when he gets here. I need to get down to the train and make sure he don’t hop that freight!” say George
George takes off running towards church. That is direction bad men run. Scooter run, too. Scooter want to help! George run and run and run. Scooter run, too! Soon Scooter see train. Scooter has never seen train not move. Train always move in Brighton. Train never stop in Brighton. George stop. George is hold side.
“That bastard ain’t gettin’ away!” say George.
Train make loud noise.
“Damn, that’s the whistle! “There leaving!” I have to pick one side or the other to look! Which one?!”
Scooter growl. Scooter back hair is up. Scooter can smell bad men. Bad men are close!
“You belong to Del, Dog?! You got’em!? Which way, boy?”
Scooter know which way. Scooter walk towards left side of train. Scooter walk slow. George is holding something in his hand. This the same thing that make loud Bang! Scooter is not scared. Scooter keeps walking slow. Scooter growls.
Scooter hears many bangs in the distance. Not bangs like when Del hurt. Then train start to move.
“I hope he ain’t already on it!’ say George.
Then suddenly, in front of George and Scooter, the bad men jump up and run to train. Geroge sees them and yells
“Hold it, you sonsabitches!”
The men keep running and jump onto to moving train. Then Scooter hears two loud bangs coming from George! The train keeps moving. Scooter does not see the bad men! Scooter can not smell the bad men! The bad men are gone.
“Dammit! yells George.
George runs back towards town, forgeting all about Scooter.
Scooter is sad. Scooter is confused. Scooter is tired. Scooter wants to go home. Scooter looks to left and sees, rabbit. This is same rabbit Scooter chase! Strange Rabbit! Scooter does not want to chase Strange Rabbit. Strange Rabbit does not run. Strange Rabbit moves. Strange Rabbit hops. Scooter watches Strange Rabbit. Strange Rabbit hops towards bridge! Bridge is back! Scooter sniff air. This is where Scooter get sick! Scooter not want to get sick! Scooter know that home must be over bridge.
George runs back towards town, forgetting all about Scooter. Scooter is sad.
Scooter run to bridge! Scooter go over bridge. Scooter feel sick! Scooter lay down.
Soon Scooter fell better. Scooter get up. Scooter sniff air. Scooter not smell horses. Scooter smell oil. Scooter is where Strange Rabbit go in bushes. Scooter know this place! Scooter can go home! Scooter look back. Bridge is gone!
Scooter start to walk. Then Scooter start to run! Scooter run and run and run! Scooter does not stop to pee! Scooter does not stop to chase cat. Scooter does not stop to chase The Squirrel. Scooter run home!
Scooter get home. Scooter is very tired. Scooter is very thirsty! Scooter does not smell Pete. Scooter does not see Pete. Scooter see back gate. Back gate is open. Scooter is glad! Scooter wants to see his Granny! Scooter wants to see his Mommy! Scooter wants to see his Grandpappy!
Scooter runs in the backyard. Scooters runs to the back door. Back door is open! Back door is never open! Scooter is happy! Scooter runs in the house. Scooter wants to go downstairs to see Mommy. But, Mommy’s door is closed. Scooter bark once. Then Scooter run for Granny’s bedroom. Scooter run, Scooter jump! Scooter land on bed! Scooter jump and lick Granny! Scooter lick and lick and lick! “Lay down, Scooter!” say Granny “William, take Scooter out to go potty.” Then Granny roll over and go to sleep. Scooter turn to Grandpappy and lick him. Scooter lick and lick and lick. Grandpappy put hand on Scooter and pet him.
“Just a minute, boy.” say Grandpappy “I’ll take you out in a second.”
The Grandpappy close eyes. Scooter does not care. Scooter is home! Scooter walk to end of bed. Scooter walk in circle and lay down. Scooter fall right to sleep.
Scooter open eyes. It is day time. Scooter think Scooter have terrible dream. None of that stuff could have been real. Bridges do not disappear. Buildings do not change. Horses do not live in Brighton. Brighton does not have dirt roads. Scooter is tired. Scooter lay back down. Soon Granny wake up and go to bathroom. Scooter always stays in bed until Granny says she take Scooter outside to go potty. Scooter like sleep. Scooter is tired. Granny come in room and pet Scooter.
“C’mon Scooter, lets go potty!” say Granny
Scooter get up and stretch. Scooter is sore. Too much play with Enzo.
“Scooter! What is that on your side? Is that blood?
Scooter growl. Del pull something out of his coat, and say
“This is Marshall Ellis! You come out in the light where I can see you!”
Then Scooter hear a loud bang! Bang is louder than when door slam! Bang scare Scooter! But Scooter not run.
Then there is another loud Bang! Bang come from Del. Scooter is scared. Scooter does not run.
“Shit, J.B.! say man “Let’s get the hell outta here!”
Scooter hear men run. Men run away from Del. Men run away from Scooter. Scooter look at Del. Del has his hand on his side and is make a strange face. Scooter know Del is hurt. Scooter want to help. Scooter woof!
“He shot me, dog!” say Del. “I need a doctor.”
Scooter not know “shot” Scooter do know that Del does not sound the same. Del sound weak. Del starts to walk. Del walk funny. Del walk slow and shakey. Del walk to stairs that lead to door. Lady come out of door.
“What happened?!” yell lady “I heard explosions!”
“They shot me!” say Del “Get a doctor”
Del fall onto stairs. Lady scream and run inside. Scooter walk over to Del and nose Del.
“Damn, this hurts. It burns like the fires in hell. “I ain’t bleedin’ much, though”
Del show Scooter Del’s hand. Hand have red stuff on it. Del pat Scooter side. Del is not strong. Del is weak like new puppy. Del is not talk loud. Scooter is scared. Scooter woof!
“It’s OK, boy. Help is comin.” Del not sound good. Scooter hear man running.
“What happened?” say running man. Lady come back outside.
“He’s right over here, Doc!” say lady “ He said he was shot!”
Man run to Del. Scooter get out of way. Scooter is scared. Scooter hear more men running. Men are running towards Scooter. Scooter move. Men run past Scooter. Men run to Del. Scooter hear first man say;
“Dammit! He’s shot all right. He has a hole right on his left side! He ain’t bleeding to bad, but I think he’s bleeding internally, too!”
The first man turn to another man who is also touching Del and say
“Fred, you’re a surgeon, can you take the bullet out”
Second man say “I don’t have the facilities for that, plus the damage needs to be fixed inside him. We have to get him to Denver.”
Scooter hear someone yell “I’ll go get my team!” Someone else say
“There’s a freight sittin’ at the depot! Maybe we could put him on that!”
“That’ll be fastest” say man called Fred.
Scooter move back. Scooter is scared! Scooter is confused. Scooter keeps getting kicked by men trying to get to Del. Scooter move back. Scooter walk to where bad men were. Scooter sniff. Scooter can still smell bad men. Scooter sniff again. One man smell is strong. Scooter follow nose. Nose take Scooter to hat! Scooter sniff hat.
“Get away from that, dog!” yell man.
Man rush to Scooter and pull Scooter away from hat.
“Over here, George! I found something!”
George come over to where Scooter is and pick up hat.
“I’ll bet this from the guy that shot Del!” say first man.
“Look, you give this to Sheriff Hackley when he gets here. I need to get down to the train and make sure he don’t hop that freight!” say George
George takes off running towards church. That is direction bad men run. Scooter run, too. Scooter want to help! George run and run and run. Scooter run, too! Soon Scooter see train. Scooter has never seen train not move. Train always move in Brighton. Train never stop in Brighton. George stop. George is hold side.
“That bastard ain’t gettin’ away!” say George.
Train make loud noise.
“Damn, that’s the whistle! “There leaving!” I have to pick one side or the other to look! Which one?!”
Scooter growl. Scooter back hair is up. Scooter can smell bad men. Bad men are close!
“You belong to Del, Dog?! You got’em!? Which way, boy?”
Scooter know which way. Scooter walk towards left side of train. Scooter walk slow. George is holding something in his hand. This the same thing that make loud Bang! Scooter is not scared. Scooter keeps walking slow. Scooter growls.
Scooter hears many bangs in the distance. Not bangs like when Del hurt. Then train start to move.
“I hope he ain’t already on it!’ say George.
Then suddenly, in front of George and Scooter, the bad men jump up and run to train. Geroge sees them and yells
“Hold it, you sonsabitches!”
The men keep running and jump onto to moving train. Then Scooter hears two loud bangs coming from George! The train keeps moving. Scooter does not see the bad men! Scooter can not smell the bad men! The bad men are gone.
“Dammit! yells George.
George runs back towards town, forgeting all about Scooter.
Scooter is sad. Scooter is confused. Scooter is tired. Scooter wants to go home. Scooter looks to left and sees, rabbit. This is same rabbit Scooter chase! Strange Rabbit! Scooter does not want to chase Strange Rabbit. Strange Rabbit does not run. Strange Rabbit moves. Strange Rabbit hops. Scooter watches Strange Rabbit. Strange Rabbit hops towards bridge! Bridge is back! Scooter sniff air. This is where Scooter get sick! Scooter not want to get sick! Scooter know that home must be over bridge.
George runs back towards town, forgetting all about Scooter. Scooter is sad.
Scooter run to bridge! Scooter go over bridge. Scooter feel sick! Scooter lay down.
Soon Scooter fell better. Scooter get up. Scooter sniff air. Scooter not smell horses. Scooter smell oil. Scooter is where Strange Rabbit go in bushes. Scooter know this place! Scooter can go home! Scooter look back. Bridge is gone!
Scooter start to walk. Then Scooter start to run! Scooter run and run and run! Scooter does not stop to pee! Scooter does not stop to chase cat. Scooter does not stop to chase The Squirrel. Scooter run home!
Scooter get home. Scooter is very tired. Scooter is very thirsty! Scooter does not smell Pete. Scooter does not see Pete. Scooter see back gate. Back gate is open. Scooter is glad! Scooter wants to see his Granny! Scooter wants to see his Mommy! Scooter wants to see his Grandpappy!
Scooter runs in the backyard. Scooters runs to the back door. Back door is open! Back door is never open! Scooter is happy! Scooter runs in the house. Scooter wants to go downstairs to see Mommy. But, Mommy’s door is closed. Scooter bark once. Then Scooter run for Granny’s bedroom. Scooter run, Scooter jump! Scooter land on bed! Scooter jump and lick Granny! Scooter lick and lick and lick! “Lay down, Scooter!” say Granny “William, take Scooter out to go potty.” Then Granny roll over and go to sleep. Scooter turn to Grandpappy and lick him. Scooter lick and lick and lick. Grandpappy put hand on Scooter and pet him.
“Just a minute, boy.” say Grandpappy “I’ll take you out in a second.”
The Grandpappy close eyes. Scooter does not care. Scooter is home! Scooter walk to end of bed. Scooter walk in circle and lay down. Scooter fall right to sleep.
Scooter open eyes. It is day time. Scooter think Scooter have terrible dream. None of that stuff could have been real. Bridges do not disappear. Buildings do not change. Horses do not live in Brighton. Brighton does not have dirt roads. Scooter is tired. Scooter lay back down. Soon Granny wake up and go to bathroom. Scooter always stays in bed until Granny says she take Scooter outside to go potty. Scooter like sleep. Scooter is tired. Granny come in room and pet Scooter.
“C’mon Scooter, lets go potty!” say Granny
Scooter get up and stretch. Scooter is sore. Too much play with Enzo.
“Scooter! What is that on your side? Is that blood?

James Delmar Ellis
On March 6, 1908, at about 2:20 AM, in the small town of Brighton, Colorado, Night Marshall James Delmar Ellis, was shot and killed by three men who were trying to break into the town post office. “Del” had been the Night Marshall for just two weeks.
After being shot, Del walk about 20 feet to the telephone office, in the Carmichael Building, where the operator on duty summoned a doctor. Brighton had several doctors in 1908 and at least two arrived on scene. Del survived for a number of hours. During that time he was able to give a full account of what had happened. He was not placed on the freight train, in which his assailants escaped. He was placed on the next available train, likely the #108 due from Greeley, at 4:24 AM., but he died en route to Denver.
Three men were arrested and charged with the shooting of Marshall Ellis. They were J.B. Preston, William Hansen, and Ole Matsen. Preston was arrested in Omaha, NE. He had turned himself into authorities so he could be treated for three gunshot wounds. He was identified as having traveled from Denver, and refused to tell authorities how he was injured.
It is unknown if the three men were ever tried or convicted. Local records were destroyed in a fire.
Marshall Ellis was buried in Riverside Cemetery, in Denver. He was survived by his wife, Elnora and two young sons, George and Marvin.
On September 7, 2005 the United States Congressional record shows that Colorado Representative Bob Beauprez rose and offered a tribute in Ellis’ honor. In that same year Marshall Ellis was further honored by having his name etched into the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC. This memorial is a tribute to the men who have given their lives in the line of duty, as police officers.
The following year the State of Colorado honored him in the same way, when his name was etched into the Colorado Law Enforcement Memorial, in Golden, CO
Today Brighton has a population of about 30,000. James Delmar Ellis is only member of the Brighton Police Force to have been killed in the line of duty.
Author's Note----This story was written and first published on (under the username WonderDog) in 2009. The source material used for writing this story was predominately The Brighton Blade, the editions of March 6th, 13th, and 27th of 1908.
On March 6, 1908, at about 2:20 AM, in the small town of Brighton, Colorado, Night Marshall James Delmar Ellis, was shot and killed by three men who were trying to break into the town post office. “Del” had been the Night Marshall for just two weeks.
After being shot, Del walk about 20 feet to the telephone office, in the Carmichael Building, where the operator on duty summoned a doctor. Brighton had several doctors in 1908 and at least two arrived on scene. Del survived for a number of hours. During that time he was able to give a full account of what had happened. He was not placed on the freight train, in which his assailants escaped. He was placed on the next available train, likely the #108 due from Greeley, at 4:24 AM., but he died en route to Denver.
Three men were arrested and charged with the shooting of Marshall Ellis. They were J.B. Preston, William Hansen, and Ole Matsen. Preston was arrested in Omaha, NE. He had turned himself into authorities so he could be treated for three gunshot wounds. He was identified as having traveled from Denver, and refused to tell authorities how he was injured.
It is unknown if the three men were ever tried or convicted. Local records were destroyed in a fire.
Marshall Ellis was buried in Riverside Cemetery, in Denver. He was survived by his wife, Elnora and two young sons, George and Marvin.
On September 7, 2005 the United States Congressional record shows that Colorado Representative Bob Beauprez rose and offered a tribute in Ellis’ honor. In that same year Marshall Ellis was further honored by having his name etched into the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC. This memorial is a tribute to the men who have given their lives in the line of duty, as police officers.
The following year the State of Colorado honored him in the same way, when his name was etched into the Colorado Law Enforcement Memorial, in Golden, CO
Today Brighton has a population of about 30,000. James Delmar Ellis is only member of the Brighton Police Force to have been killed in the line of duty.
Author's Note----This story was written and first published on (under the username WonderDog) in 2009. The source material used for writing this story was predominately The Brighton Blade, the editions of March 6th, 13th, and 27th of 1908.