Scooter Have a Bad Day
Scooter have Bad Day
Scooter good dog. Scooter have bad day.
Scooter unsleep when Granny say
“Scooter, you got to pee?”
Scooter have to pee, but Scooter is happy where he is. Scooter close eyes and pretend to be sleep.
“Come on Scooter. It’s time to go outside”
There is something about the word “Go” that always seems to make Scooter get up. But not when Scooter sleep. When Scooter sleep, Scooter stay asleep. Granny not care.
“Come on, Scooter! Let’s go” say Granny.
Scooter have bad day.
Scooter get up, slowly. Scooter stretch. Scooter yawn. Scooter stretch other way.
“Scoooterrrr, C”mon! yell Granny
Granny not like wait for Scooter. Scooter no care. Scooter no like wait for Granny. It all work out.
Scooter go outside. Scooter take care of business. Scooter bark at neighbor dogs. Scooter check for squirrel on pole. No squirrel. Scooter sniff air. Nose say nothing new. Scooter walk to Grandpappy flowers. Good place to look for bone. Soft dirt. Scooter put paw in dirt.
“Get out of my flowers!” yell Grandpappy
Scooter have bad day.
Scooter pee on flowers instead. Grandpappy yell something. Scooter not hear. Scooter is bored. Scooter already finish list of things to do today.
“Here boy! C’mere Scooter! Wanna go for a ride?” say Mommy, who had just walked outside.
Scooter always want to go for ride! Scooter dance. Scooter wag tail. Scooter follow Mommy to car and get it. Stepsister Eve in car, too. Eve is good dog. Eve is Australian Cattle Dog. Eve is sick. Eve have epilepsy. Eve have seizure sometime. Seizure is scary. Scooter bark when Eve shake. Enzo in car! Madie in car! Enzo is good dog. Madie is good dog. Enzo is step brother. Madie is step sister. All go for ride!
Mommy crazy. Four dogs. Four leaches. One Mommy. Scooter do math. Four plus four plus one equal trouble. Granny get in car too. That better. Four against one not fair. But one plus Granny make it fair fight.
Scooter unsleep when Granny say
“Scooter, you got to pee?”
Scooter have to pee, but Scooter is happy where he is. Scooter close eyes and pretend to be sleep.
“Come on Scooter. It’s time to go outside”
There is something about the word “Go” that always seems to make Scooter get up. But not when Scooter sleep. When Scooter sleep, Scooter stay asleep. Granny not care.
“Come on, Scooter! Let’s go” say Granny.
Scooter have bad day.
Scooter get up, slowly. Scooter stretch. Scooter yawn. Scooter stretch other way.
“Scoooterrrr, C”mon! yell Granny
Granny not like wait for Scooter. Scooter no care. Scooter no like wait for Granny. It all work out.
Scooter go outside. Scooter take care of business. Scooter bark at neighbor dogs. Scooter check for squirrel on pole. No squirrel. Scooter sniff air. Nose say nothing new. Scooter walk to Grandpappy flowers. Good place to look for bone. Soft dirt. Scooter put paw in dirt.
“Get out of my flowers!” yell Grandpappy
Scooter have bad day.
Scooter pee on flowers instead. Grandpappy yell something. Scooter not hear. Scooter is bored. Scooter already finish list of things to do today.
“Here boy! C’mere Scooter! Wanna go for a ride?” say Mommy, who had just walked outside.
Scooter always want to go for ride! Scooter dance. Scooter wag tail. Scooter follow Mommy to car and get it. Stepsister Eve in car, too. Eve is good dog. Eve is Australian Cattle Dog. Eve is sick. Eve have epilepsy. Eve have seizure sometime. Seizure is scary. Scooter bark when Eve shake. Enzo in car! Madie in car! Enzo is good dog. Madie is good dog. Enzo is step brother. Madie is step sister. All go for ride!
Mommy crazy. Four dogs. Four leaches. One Mommy. Scooter do math. Four plus four plus one equal trouble. Granny get in car too. That better. Four against one not fair. But one plus Granny make it fair fight.
Scooter hate watr!
Scooter take spot in middle. Eve and Enzo stick head out window. Scooter not do that anymore. Window bite Scooter one time. Now Scooter help Mommy drive.
Soon car stop. Mommy put rope on Scooter. Mommy put rope on Eve. Granny put rope on Enzo. Granny put rope on Madie. Car door open and stampeded happen. Four dogs fight to be first out. Granny yell. Mommy yell. It all better then.
Scooter sniff. Nose say there is river nearby. Scooter not like watr. Scooter turn to go to tree. Tree look thirsty. But, Granny pull on rope. Granny pull Scooter to river direction.
Scooter have bad day.
Scooter whine. Scooter hate watr.
Enzo and Madie are pulling Mommy to river. Enzo is good dog. Enzo is strong dog. Madie is good dog. Madie is foo-foo dog. Enzo pull Mommy. Madie worry about getting paws dirty.
We get to water. Mommy take rope off of Eve. Eve dive into water. Eve think she fish. Scooter not fish. Scooter dog. Dog belong on land. Dry land. Enzo think Enzo fish too. Mommy drop rope and Enzo take off for river. Dumb Enzo, dumb. Madie smart like Scooter. Madie stay on bank.
Enzo and Eve play in river. Granny throw stick in watr. They chase stick. Eve bring stick to Granny. Mommy throw rock in water. They chase rock. Eve and Enzo are dumb. Enzo and Eve get out in deep watr and make Mommy worry. Mommy go in river and make Enzo and Eve come back to shore. Scooter whine. Scooter not want them in watr. Watr will get them. But Mommy let them go again and they go back in river. Then Mommy say.
“C’mon Scooter. You need to get in the river, too”
We are back to Mommy crazy. Scooter not need to get in watr. Scooter need hamburger. Scooter need pee. Scooter need to run and chase birds. Scooter not ever need get in river. Mommy not listen. Mommy pick Scooter up and put him in shallow part. Scooter walk out.
Hope Mommy happy. Scooter have bad day.
Soon Mommy is tired. Soon Granny is tired. We go to park. Park have trees! Thirsty trees! Park have trails. Scooter soon chase bird! Scooter soon chase squirrel! Scooter soon chase rabbit! Scooter soon chase fox! Scooter soon chase mountain lion! Scooter is tough! Scooter is excited! Scooter pull on rope. Granny pull back. Hard.
Soon car stop. Mommy put rope on Scooter. Mommy put rope on Eve. Granny put rope on Enzo. Granny put rope on Madie. Car door open and stampeded happen. Four dogs fight to be first out. Granny yell. Mommy yell. It all better then.
Scooter sniff. Nose say there is river nearby. Scooter not like watr. Scooter turn to go to tree. Tree look thirsty. But, Granny pull on rope. Granny pull Scooter to river direction.
Scooter have bad day.
Scooter whine. Scooter hate watr.
Enzo and Madie are pulling Mommy to river. Enzo is good dog. Enzo is strong dog. Madie is good dog. Madie is foo-foo dog. Enzo pull Mommy. Madie worry about getting paws dirty.
We get to water. Mommy take rope off of Eve. Eve dive into water. Eve think she fish. Scooter not fish. Scooter dog. Dog belong on land. Dry land. Enzo think Enzo fish too. Mommy drop rope and Enzo take off for river. Dumb Enzo, dumb. Madie smart like Scooter. Madie stay on bank.
Enzo and Eve play in river. Granny throw stick in watr. They chase stick. Eve bring stick to Granny. Mommy throw rock in water. They chase rock. Eve and Enzo are dumb. Enzo and Eve get out in deep watr and make Mommy worry. Mommy go in river and make Enzo and Eve come back to shore. Scooter whine. Scooter not want them in watr. Watr will get them. But Mommy let them go again and they go back in river. Then Mommy say.
“C’mon Scooter. You need to get in the river, too”
We are back to Mommy crazy. Scooter not need to get in watr. Scooter need hamburger. Scooter need pee. Scooter need to run and chase birds. Scooter not ever need get in river. Mommy not listen. Mommy pick Scooter up and put him in shallow part. Scooter walk out.
Hope Mommy happy. Scooter have bad day.
Soon Mommy is tired. Soon Granny is tired. We go to park. Park have trees! Thirsty trees! Park have trails. Scooter soon chase bird! Scooter soon chase squirrel! Scooter soon chase rabbit! Scooter soon chase fox! Scooter soon chase mountain lion! Scooter is tough! Scooter is excited! Scooter pull on rope. Granny pull back. Hard.
Family Portrait--Mommy and Granny, Enzo, Eve, Madie, and Scooter
“Scooter we can’t go that way. That’s a nature trail and they don’t allow dogs”
What, They Foolin! Scooter can’t chase anything!
Scooter sad. Scooter have bad day.
“C’mon, Scooter.” Let’s go find some shade and lay down.” say Granny.
Scooter go. Scooter still not happy. Scooter stop and pee. Scooter walk. Scooter stop and pee. Scooter walk. Scooter sniff air. Nose say lots of stuff to check out. But Scooter is on rope. Scooter stop and pee. Scooter out of pee. Scooter can only walk.
Scooter have bad day.
We stop by big tree. Lucky day for tree. Scooter dry. Scooter sit. Everyone sit. There is big bush nearby. Bush have birds. But Scooter on rope. Scooter no chase bird. Scooter give up. Scooter lay down.
After some time, Granny say
“We’ve had enough fun for one day. Let’s go home.”
That fine with Scooter. Hope Scooter bad day is over. Maybe Grandpappy have hamburger for Scooter!
What, They Foolin! Scooter can’t chase anything!
Scooter sad. Scooter have bad day.
“C’mon, Scooter.” Let’s go find some shade and lay down.” say Granny.
Scooter go. Scooter still not happy. Scooter stop and pee. Scooter walk. Scooter stop and pee. Scooter walk. Scooter sniff air. Nose say lots of stuff to check out. But Scooter is on rope. Scooter stop and pee. Scooter out of pee. Scooter can only walk.
Scooter have bad day.
We stop by big tree. Lucky day for tree. Scooter dry. Scooter sit. Everyone sit. There is big bush nearby. Bush have birds. But Scooter on rope. Scooter no chase bird. Scooter give up. Scooter lay down.
After some time, Granny say
“We’ve had enough fun for one day. Let’s go home.”
That fine with Scooter. Hope Scooter bad day is over. Maybe Grandpappy have hamburger for Scooter!
Veterans Park
Veterans Park is one of the oldest parks in Brighton. As the name suggests it is dedicated to the men and women who have served our country and the US Flag flies over it 24 -7. It covers a total area of 4.5 acres
The park’s best feature is the South Platte River, which flows along its eastern border. The park has become an established put in point for canoers and kayakers in the Denver area. The river is pretty tame, and actually becomes unfit due to low water volume during parts of the summer.
The canoe put in area is unimproved, but very popular with the dogs that are brought to the park. The areas to the immediate north and south of the bridge spanning the river are ideal for letting Fido splash and have a good time.
Following the river are two trails. The first is a paved biking and pedestrian, 52-85 Trail. This trail is named for the two state highways that intersect in the approximate middle of the cities (Brighton, Ft. Lupton, Firestone, and Frederick) the completed system will one day service. The 52-85 trail is part of the Colorado Front Range Trail that will one day have a trail system that connects New Mexico with Wyoming. The trail, which runs south from the Veterans Park Trailhead, is lined with cottonwoods and makes for a very pleasant walk or ride.
The other trail, the Edward Getz Nature Trail (dirt and gravel) , makes its way through the Morgan Smith Nature Preserve. Birders will see a variety of water fowl, standard Colorado birds (robins, finches, and finches) in addition to riparian birds like the red-wing blackbird and the yellow wing blackbird. Several families of Bullock’s Oriole show up each year. There are also hawks and owls in the area.
The park itself has an acre of open space ideal for football or soccer. There is a covered area (first come-first serve) for picnics, with a BBQ grill. There is a small playground for the kids and restroom facilities.
The park closes at 10 PM. Glass containers and alcohol are prohibited, but as long as no one is getting out of hand, the alcohol part is not likely to be enforced.
The park’s best feature is the South Platte River, which flows along its eastern border. The park has become an established put in point for canoers and kayakers in the Denver area. The river is pretty tame, and actually becomes unfit due to low water volume during parts of the summer.
The canoe put in area is unimproved, but very popular with the dogs that are brought to the park. The areas to the immediate north and south of the bridge spanning the river are ideal for letting Fido splash and have a good time.
Following the river are two trails. The first is a paved biking and pedestrian, 52-85 Trail. This trail is named for the two state highways that intersect in the approximate middle of the cities (Brighton, Ft. Lupton, Firestone, and Frederick) the completed system will one day service. The 52-85 trail is part of the Colorado Front Range Trail that will one day have a trail system that connects New Mexico with Wyoming. The trail, which runs south from the Veterans Park Trailhead, is lined with cottonwoods and makes for a very pleasant walk or ride.
The other trail, the Edward Getz Nature Trail (dirt and gravel) , makes its way through the Morgan Smith Nature Preserve. Birders will see a variety of water fowl, standard Colorado birds (robins, finches, and finches) in addition to riparian birds like the red-wing blackbird and the yellow wing blackbird. Several families of Bullock’s Oriole show up each year. There are also hawks and owls in the area.
The park itself has an acre of open space ideal for football or soccer. There is a covered area (first come-first serve) for picnics, with a BBQ grill. There is a small playground for the kids and restroom facilities.
The park closes at 10 PM. Glass containers and alcohol are prohibited, but as long as no one is getting out of hand, the alcohol part is not likely to be enforced.